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Soulfly - A captivating set list
Soulfly keeps appealing young music lovers and it�s always fun to see an audience of mixed ages. There will probably always be the older metalheads that keep coming back to hear those old Sepultura classics, which guaranteed will be played. The younger fans were so,�lets just say enthusiastic, that the gasmask on Max�s standard was ripped off at the end of the show and I even saw a kid walking of with the ventilator and the leaves that also were on the microphone standard. They must be very big and true fans!...

Enough bullshit so far; this night Max had some troubles with his voice and the volume was almost to be called Christian, that soft it was; whoops Max is Christian these days right�Well never mind that, because there are still plenty of songs which give you a feeling as if the devil takes possession of your body. For me, the reasonable early timed, �Roots� made me take a sprint to the pit where the volume was of an acceptable level and from that moment things started to be more convincing, though I�ve seen better shows of Soulfly. We�ll take it for granted because it was the last show of the tour, plus they played an interesting and varied set with songs from Nailbomb, Mot�rhead and even a new song, of which I wasn�t too fond, but it�s always hard to judge when you hear a song for the first time live. Furthermore there were of course the expectable elements like a drum session, the appearance of Richie Cavalera�oh and lets not forget the countless fantastic solos and flamenco guitar-playing of Marc Rizzo. As said, I�ve seen better and more convincing shows of Soulfly, but the set list made it an interesting and captivating night.